Hole-in-WON Insurance Blog

Hole-in-WON Insurance


Hole-in-WON Insurance Blog

How do I prevent email from going into a "bulkmail" folder?

Email providers like AOL, Yahoo!, Hotmail, and others are constantly changing their methods to classify email. Our system delivers email to all accounts the same way, and the vast majority get it in their main inbox. Some email providers filter messages based on content, subject line, or the "From" address and may put your email into the recipient's bulk mail folder.

We recommend that list recipients add our domains to their 'Approved Sender' list, also known as whitelist, if they have their email accounts with one of these email providers. For email service providers that do not offer such 'Approved Sender' lists or whitelists, we recommend requesting the provider to ensure that mail from the domain Hole-in-WON.com be permitted. Mail claiming to be coming from us can also be verified using Sender Policy Framework.

***Important: Please be sure to add domain name Hole-in-WON.com to your safe senders list.***

Here's how:

  1. Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page.
  2. Click Add Contact.
  3. In the primary email address box, type the band's email address.
  4. Click Save.

If you do not receive the confirmation message within a few minutes of signing up, please check your Spam folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and click Not Spam, which will allow future messages to get through.

AOL (version 9.0 or higher)
  1. Click the Mail menu and select Address Book.
  2. In the pop up box, click the Add button.
  3. In the "Other E-Mail" field, type the band's email address.
  4. Make the band's email address the "Primary E-Mail" address by checking the associated check box.
  5. Click the Save button.

If you do not receive the confirmation message within a few minutes of signing up, please check your spam folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and click This is Not Spam, which will allow future messages to get through.

AOL 8.0
  1. Open this confirmation email.
  2. Click Add Address.
  3. Verify the sender's contact information (the band's email address).
  4. Click Save.

If you do not receive the confirmation message within a few minutes of signing up, please check your spam folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and click This is Not Spam, which will allow future messages to get through.

  1. Click the "addresses" button
  2. Select "Add Contact"
  3. Save the band's email address to your contacts list.
  1. Click Options.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Mail, and then click Junk E-Mail Protection.
  3. Click Safe List.
  4. Type Hole-in-WON.com, and then click Add.

Also, do not forget to click the link in the confirmation message.

  1. Right-click on a message from the band.
  2. Point to Junk E-mail, and click Add Sender to Safe Senders List.
Everyone else:

If you do not receive the confirmation message within a few minutes of signing up, please check your Spam or Bulk E-Mail folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and mark it Not Spam, which should allow future messages to get through.

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